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Toronto Criminal Law Blog

Drinking and Driving Consequences and Effects

Drinking and driving can have far-reaching, devastating effects for you, your family, and anybody who happens to be near you on the road. Damages could include fines, jail time, and loss of your license. The best way to avoid this fate is to know as much as you can about the consequences of drinking and driving, as well as how you can keep yourself out of situations where you might violate the law. Here is a primer on the effects and consequences of drinking and driving.

Everything You Need to Know about DUI Charges in Canada 2018

What is a DUI?

Many people have the same question, what is a DUI? Simply put, impaired driving is operating a motor vehicle (trucks, cars, boats, snowmobiles and off roading vehicles) when your ability or capabilities have been compromised by consuming drugs or alcohol.

In ...

7 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About Toronto DUI Charges

Everyone knows you shouldn't get behind the wheel if you've been drinking. Despite constant warning messages and PSAs, however, drinking and driving remains one of the worst public health problems in the country. In fact, among 19 wealthy countries, Canada was recently ranked ...