While Canadian police have had the legal authority to demand mandatory alcohol screening from any driver since December 2018, many Canadians still believe that an officer needs to have reasonable grounds to believe that a driver may be impaired before demanding a breath sample. "Some of our clients think we'll be able to get their impaired driving charges dismissed because an officer didn't have probable cause to demand a breath sample," says criminal defence lawyer Jeff Mass of TorontoDUI. "They are kind of shocked when we tell them ...
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) recently announced that it is suspending a Toronto nightclub's liquor license for two months in response to the alcohol-related death of one of its patrons last spring. Toronto police have also charged the nightclub's owner and its numbered corporation with numerous Ontario Liquor License and Control Act offences, including:
Technological advancements like breathalyzers and ignition interlocks revolutionize impaired driving prevention. While effective, these tools are not infallible, making experienced legal representation vital for those accused of DUI.
Key Takeaways
People have turned to technology to prevent criminal activity since ancient times, as evidenced by a 4 ...
Get the facts on DUI charges in Canada, potential penalties, and how to defend yourself with expert legal advice. Stay informed to avoid life-altering consequences.
If you follow Greater Toronto Area news, you've probably noticed that coverage of DUI arrests only seems to make the news when related to a traffic accident or if a DUI stop leads police to lay other charges, like for drugs. A recent case in point involved a Brampton Police RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) checkpoint that arrested two men on drug trafficking and possession charges. While the driver apparently passed any roadside sobriety and drug testing, a seatbelt violation led police to search the vehicle after officers "noticed ...
High school teachers play a key role in preventing impaired driving among students. Here are five effective strategies to encourage safer decision-making.
City Police, the OPP, and the RCMP serve distinct roles in Ontario law enforcement. Understanding their differences helps clarify their responsibilities, including why the OPP makes the most DUI arrests in the province.
Facing a DUI charge in Ontario can be daunting, but case dismissals are possible. Knowing your rights, potential legal missteps, and leveraging an experienced DUI lawyer's expertise can significantly increase your chances of a favorable outcome.
The quick answer is no. It is unlikely that you’ll be sentenced to jail for a first-time DUI in Ontario. However, there are many things to keep in mind.
If Canadian police arrest you for a first-time driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs charge, you probably know that you face severe consequences if you’re convicted, including:
But what of ...
As a frequent reader of our Knowledge Centre criminal law blog, you’re probably familiar with the penalties and other aggravations that come with a first-time driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs conviction in Ontario. If not, here’s a recap, which we suggest you memorize so that you can recite it anytime you or someone you know thinks about driving after consuming alcohol or drugs: