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Toronto Criminal Law Blog

Top Holidays for DUI Arrests in Canada

Canadian police arrested 42,585 people for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs during 2020, with 14,667 of these arrests occurring in Ontario, according to Statistics Canada's "Incident-Based Crime" reporting. While there is limited statistical data on the timing of ...

How to Get Your License Back After Getting a DUI in Ontario

Getting convicted for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs in Ontario will significantly disrupt your life. And, like the EverReady® battery, that disruption keeps going and going and going. A DUI conviction will result in a criminal record, fines, potential jail time ...

Charged with a DUI on a Bike? Here’s What You Should Do

If you find yourself charged with a driving under the influence (DUI) offence in Ontario after getting pulled over while riding a bicycle, contact an experienced DUI lawyer as soon as possible. Contrary to popular opinion, facing a DUI on a bike is not an ...

Effective Strategies for Reducing Drunk Driving

Even before the start of automobile mass production in the early 1900s, people realized that operating these horseless carriages while inebriated might not be such a good idea. In fact, the first known arrest for drunk driving occurred in London, England in 1897 after a ...